This activity is a real answer to the second mission of Perkumpulan Strada which is to increase awareness for others, respect diversity, and fight for the preservation of the environment as well as a realization of the slogan ot SMP Strada Budi Luhur which is ecological and character. The purification of the lake was carried out using an eco-enzyme that had been harvested by SMP Strada Budi Luhur few weeks ago.
This activity was presented by Ms. Rosa Endah, the head
master of Strada Budi Luhur Middle School, the OSIS supervisor of the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School and several teacher representatives, the MPK Student Council at the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School and several representatives from the Bekasi Eco Enzyme Community (Ms. Ruli and others) as well as representatives from the local government
This activity needs 80 liters of Eco Enzyme that were produced by the students and 50 liters is from the Bekasi eco enzyme community.
By conducting this activity, it is hoped that the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School can participate in preserving the environment in the community directly, Hopefully this activity is really useful for all, Besides, the slogan of ecological and character will become more real. Greetings AMDG!
Dra. Dwi Erliyati M. Pd dan Sondang Helena
This activity is very useful, I like this activity
If you asked about my response to this, I like to say that this is very a good activity, because, you know, that 2022 hasn’t been a easy year for all of us but I sure hope that you guys will make it till the end of the year.
agree! I can’t believe we’re doing such great activities for this year, after a very long time we can finally reach out to the open world to improve what’s not improved for the past 2 years.
Very interesting school event!
Strada School activities are really good. Good care.
That is a great Activity! Because alot of lakes is Really dirty.Even thought this will take some time hopefully this will help the Environment alot! Keep going!
God damn you guys are so cool. I want to be like you guys. I think hygiene is indeed the most important thing
I like this activity, because this activity great and nice to environtmen, i want to doing this hehe👍👍😁
This activity is very great for the environment of the lake
To make 80 liters of Eco enzyme is very hard, well done!
I am very proud to be able to study at this Strada, there are many activities that can be done, such as planting eco enzymes and many other activities. I am very proud
Strada is a school that really loves the environment. GREAT 😃👍
This is a good activity and i hope we will do it again for earth
This activity is very cares about the environment
It’s very good that we have a lot of activities outside of school that are interesting and certainly very useful
I’m really proud of Strada because there are so many activity like eco enzyme and for that I’m really proud of Strada.
The best activity. I hope we will do this again.
Aktivitas menjernihkan danau adalah salah satu aktivitas menjaga air danau agar tetap bersih,saya suka dengan aktivitas tersebut.
This is a good activity This activity can save the earth
The activities at the Strada school were very good and interesting. perfect work.
It’s very good, for the environment. We only need leather waste to make eco enzymes which are very useful. Strada is really great with the jargon “Sekolah yang EKOLOGIS DAN
BERKARAKTER”. That’s all comments from me,thank you SALAM AMDG.
Strada School activities are really good.
Eco Enzyme, very difficult to make but you guys gave it up to make our environment better
Pekerjaan yang sangat membantu lingkungan hidup dan orang orang
Strada School really wants to turn Indonesia into a country free from garbage, this is what makes our school an ecological school
It is a very good activity and it really shows our school’s slogan of ecological and character and how strada truly commit to it. I like that strada actively participates in preserving the enviroment. I really approve of Ms. Rosa Endah’s decision
Eco enzymes are very good because they can clear the lake
This activity is very good for the lake, because it can make the lake clean again
It’s a good activity according to our school’s motto which is ecological and character. Strada Budi Luhur Middle School is truly commit to it. It such a really good decision from Ms. Rosa Endah to purificating the lake with eco enzyme.
this activity motivates to love the natural surroundings.
very good activity, strada association who really cares about other people. Truly reflects their slogan that is ecological and character. Keep the spirit to build an ecological Indonesia
This activity is very good and very useful for a very dirty lake. It is also useful for other activities. Hopefully this activity can continue to run smoothly and the surrounding environment will be cleaner. let’s apply the slogan of our school, ecological school and character
This activity is in accordance with the strada jargon, which is ecological and has character and this activity is very useful for the environment
This activity is very good. By holding this activity, it is hoped that the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School can directly participate in preserving the environment in the community. Hopefully this activity is really beneficial for all, can clear the lake, besides that the ecological slogan and character are getting real.
I think this activity is very good because it is an embodiment of the ecological and character SMP Strada Budi Luhur
with this activity we can create a cleaner and ecological environment
This activity is very beneficial for our environment and for the environment of other living things.
This program is very good and provides a good example of the importance of preserving the environment
This activity is very good because we are one step towards greening our environment
you guys are so cool there. I hope you will continue to carry out this activity for the future and be useful for the environment
you guys are so cool there. I hope you will continue to carry out this activity for the future and be useful for the surrounding environment
it’s good that eco enzymes are used for rivers, rivers become clean
It’s an interesting activity! Many lakes are really dirty and by using eco enzymes the lake becomes clean and free from bacteria
Eco enzymes are a very useful activity, so it’s great that we do this.
great! strada budi luhur junior high school, able to carry out the jargon well
thank you friends and teachers who have been willing to help our ecoenzymes become useful, to help clean and maintain this environment, hopefully in the future we can care more about the environment
This activity is very good in accordance with the slogan of ecology and character
Purifying lake using eco enzymes is pretty good, because eco enzymes is easy to made and effective to purifying lake. Good job i hope they still continue this job until our lake in Bekasi cleared
This Activity is really great because the lake will become clean and free from bacteria.