This activity is a real answer to the second mission of Perkumpulan Strada which is to increase awareness for others, respect diversity, and fight for the preservation of the environment as well as a realization of the slogan ot SMP Strada Budi Luhur which is ecological and character. The purification of the lake was carried out using an eco-enzyme that had been harvested by SMP Strada Budi Luhur few weeks ago.

This activity was presented by Ms. Rosa Endah, the head
master of Strada Budi Luhur Middle School, the OSIS supervisor of the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School and several teacher representatives, the MPK Student Council at the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School and several representatives from the Bekasi Eco Enzyme Community (Ms. Ruli and others) as well as representatives from the local government
This activity needs 80 liters of Eco Enzyme that were produced by the students and 50 liters is from the Bekasi eco enzyme community.
By conducting this activity, it is hoped that the Strada Budi Luhur Middle School can participate in preserving the environment in the community directly, Hopefully this activity is really useful for all, Besides, the slogan of ecological and character will become more real. Greetings AMDG!

Dra. Dwi Erliyati M. Pd dan Sondang Helena

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